Info & Statistic

Overall Data

Ad size Impressions Clicks Ratio
Leaderboard (728x90) 3127289 182 0.01%
Square Button (125x125) 8531545 636 0.01%
Standard (468x60) 17063808 1288 0.01%
All Sizes 28722642 2106 0.01%

October 2024

Ad Size Impressions Clicks Ratio
Leaderboard (728x90) 308 4 1.3%
Square Button (125x125) 10532 2 0.02%
Standard (468x60) 14644 0 0%
All Sizes 25484 6 0.02%

Traffic today

Traffic in the last 30 days

Traffic in the last 12 months

Impressions & Clicks in October 2024